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How to Maintain an Excellent Leather Sofa

Leather furniture can be durable, and with the right care, it can last for decades. However, failing to properly maintain an excellent leather sofa can result in worn spots, dried out leather as well as rips and tears. By using the right cleaners and a few other techniques, you can be assured that your leather sofa will stand up to the test of time and remain in your family for generations.

Things You'll Need

  • Soft cloths
  • Leather furniture cleaner
  • Petroleum jelly


    • 1

      Move the sofa away from direct sunlight. Placing a leather sofa in front of a window, or in a spot in the room that receives direct sunlight for more than one hour a day, can damage it. Sofas that are exposed to direct light often develop fading and the leather can dry out quickly. Place your sofa in an area of the room that is well shaded during daylight hours.

    • 2

      Prevent rips and tears. Putting your shoes up on a leather sofa, or leaving sharp items in your pockets can easily rip leather. Although leather is thicker than cloth, it rips easily. Place a decorative bowl near the couch for guests and residents to put their keys and other sharp items they may have in their pockets. If you have pets in the home, do not allow them on the leather sofa. Their claws can puncture the material quickly.

    • 3

      Clean the sofa on a regular basis. Professional leather cleaner works best, but you can also use some brands of furniture polish that are marketed for this purpose. Spray a small amount on a soft and dry cloth. Do not spray the cleaner directly on the sofa. Work in circles until the entire surface is clean. If you do use furniture polish, be advised that the leather sofa can become extremely slippery for a few days after treatment. Avoid using any harsh cleaners or abrasives on the leather sofa. Any cleaner not specifically marked for use on leather should never be applied to your sofa. In addition, dirty cloths should never be used. Small pieces of debris can work their way into the cloth and then scratch the surface of the sofa when you rub it.

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      Install a humidifier by your leather sofa. Leather can easily dry out, particularly during winter months when the heat is running. To reduce this risk, put a room humidifier near the couch. This helps maintain the proper humidity in the room and prevents the leather from drying out.

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      Oil any dry spots. From time to time, your leather sofa may get dry in areas. To fix any dry spots, apply a tiny amount of petroleum jelly to a cloth. Test out an area on the couch that is hidden from view before beginning to ensure that the jelly will not cause any discoloration. Once this passes, once again use a small amount of petroleum jelly and work it into the dry spot. Remove any excess grease and allow the area to dry.