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Bad Odor in a Deep Freezer

A deep freezer is a convenient place to store food that won't fit in the freezer space above your refrigerator. But like a refrigerator, it can develop a bad smell. If you open your freezer to thaw out a package of meat for dinner, and you're greeted with an unpleasant odor, it may be time for a thorough cleaning.
  1. Possible Causes

    • The cause of your odor is probably something inside your freezer. Take each item out of the freezer, one at a time, and smell it. While you're doing this, discard anything that has freezer burn or has been in the freezer for longer than a year. If you find anything that's smelly, discard it. Check the sides and the bottom for stains from spills, as well as the seal around the door for debris. Lingering odor after the freezer has been cleaned may be the result of a spill that managed to get into the insulation. An appliance professional will be needed in this situation.


    • Once all of the food has been taken out, put what you're saving in another freezer, or fill the bottom of an ice chest with ice, and put your frozen items in it. Remove the ice from your freezer. Unplug the freezer, and take it out in the sun if you can. You will probably need help to do this. Encourage ice to break away from the freezer with a wooden utensil. Avoid using anything sharp to prevent accidental punctures. If you can't move the freezer outside, lay a towel at the bottom of the freezer to absorb water. Set a pot of hot water in the freezer, and allow it to soften the ice. Remove the excess liquid from the freezer with cups or by sopping it up with towels.


    • A mild detergent in warm water is an effective and simple cleaning solution for your freezer. Add enough soap to make it sudsy; a liquid dish soap is optimal here. Wipe down the inside of the freezer with a sponge or cloth that has been submerged in the soapy water. A small brush such as an old toothbrush can get into corners and the seal around the door. Rinse away residual soap with a sponge soaked in warm, clean water. Dry with a thick absorbent towel.

    After it's Clean

    • Even after you have wiped it out thoroughly, you still need to let the freezer sit and air out for at least 15 minutes. If your freezer is outside, the air and sunshine will work to eliminate lingering odors. If the odor persists, wipe down the inside with a solution of 1 cup of baking soda in a gallon of warm water. Wipe it down with a sponge dipped in the solution, and wipe it dry with a towel. You can also stuff the inside of the freezer with old newspapers and let it sit for two to three hours. If nothing helps, and the odor is still there, contact the manufacturer or an appliance professional to help determine the cause and find a solution.