Home Garden

How to Clean Grease After It Dripped on a Gas Stove

In the rush of preparing a meal it's sometime easy to overlook drips of grease and other substances on the stove. After the dinner other priorities begin to draw away the time of the homemaker, and after a few days a stove can begin to look a mess. Leftover grease spots give bacteria and mold a place to grow, and can lead to offensive odors. Wiping a gas stove clean is easier than you may think and the technique works for either ceramic or stainless steel.

Things You'll Need

  • Dish washing soap
  • Bowl
  • Sponges
  • Plastic scrubbing pad
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      Remove the gas grates from the top of the stove. If there are drip pans under the grates then remove them also by pulling them up. Place the grates and the drip pans in the sink to wash separately.

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      Add a two or three drops of liquid dish washing liquid to a bowl of warm water and stir it in. If the grease is spread across the stove, or is in a thick layer, add four to five drops of dish washing liquid.

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      Dip a sponge or plastic scrubbing pad into the water and wet thoroughly.

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      Scrub the top and front of the stove, paying particular attention to the grease spots. Wash around where the grates and drip pans were removed. If you were unable to remove the drip pans then wash them clean while they are on the stove.

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      Rinse the soap and grease away with clean water on a sponge. If there are still grease spots then wipe them again with the soapy water and rinse.

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      Wash the grates and drip pans in the sink with the soapy water. Dry thoroughly so that no water is trapped under the pans when you place them back on the top of the stove.

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      Replace the drip pans and grates.