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How to Make a Vacuum Work Better

A vacuum cleaner is made up of several features, all working in conjunction to clean your carpet and the rest of your home. Any one of the important components of the vacuum in disrepair can degrade the performance of your cleaner. Inspect the vacuum regularly to find any maintenance needs as soon as possible. Many of the remedies for a poorly performing vacuum can be solved with little previous experience. Regular inspections will reveal the problems you can fix or alert you to problems you may seek a service professional to repair.

Things You'll Need

  • Bag
  • Screwdriver
  • Belt
  • Wire coat hanger
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      Check the vacuum cleaner's bag. A full bag will not allow air to pass through, stifling the cleaner's ability to pull in more air. Replace a bag that is more than three-quarters full to ensure there is sufficient opportunity to pull air through.

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      Check the vacuum cleaner's filters (if applicable). Bagless vacuums or cleaners with separate filters should be maintained to keep the filters clean. Remove the filters according to the instructions found in the owner's manual. Clean the filters following the procedures in the manual. Replace the filters properly to prevent future blockage.

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      Inspect and replace the belt if necessary. The vacuum cleaner's belt spins the brush roll to collect dirt from the surface of the carpet as well as providing the agitation needed to remove dirt deeper in the carpet pile. Worn belts will not spin the brush efficiently, causing the cleaner to be less effective at removing dirt. A broken belt means that the brush roll does not spin at all. Replace the belt per the cleaner's owner manual.

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      Inspect the intake hose and opening. The section inside the cleaning head should be free of dirt and dust. Use a wire coat hanger to push any built-up dirt through the opening. Remove the cover from the bottom of the cleaning head to gain access to the intake.

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      Inspect the brush roll. The brushes on the roll are responsible for collecting dust and dirt from the surface of the rug or carpet. If the brushes are worn away, the brush roll, even if spinning at the proper speed, will be ineffective at cleaning surface dirt. Replace the brush roll if it is severely worn or damaged. Consult the owner's manual for information on obtaining service or replacement parts.