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How to Clean a Thermos-Type Coffeepot

A coffeepot that uses a thermos rather than a carafe offers the convenience of keeping coffee hotter longer. Over time and use, water impurities leave mineral deposits inside of the thermos and coffee maker components. Repeated use allows coffee stains to set inside of the coffeepot. Buildup inside of the coffeepot or thermos changes the taste of coffee from a smooth to bitter flavor. Cleaning and removing stains and buildup results in better tasting coffee and faster brewing.

Things You'll Need

  • White vinegar
  • Paper coffee filter
  • Decalcifier
  • Denture-cleaning tablets
  • Baking soda
  • Bottle brush
  • Crushed ice
  • Table salt
  • Uncooked rice
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  1. Cleaning the Coffee Maker

    • 1

      Fill the water reservoir with equal amounts of cold water and white vinegar. Place a paper coffee filter in the basket and turn the coffee maker on and let it run through a brewing cycle. Spill out the water and vinegar mixture, remove the wet filter and run plain cold water through the coffee maker twice.

    • 2

      Pour cold water into the reservoir and add decalcifier according to the manufacturer's directions. Insert a paper coffee filter into the basket. Turn the coffeepot on to allow the decalcifier to run through a brew cycle. Spill the water out, discard the filter and run plain water through a brew cycle two to three times. For a less conventional approach, try the next step.

    • 3

      Add enough cold water to the reservoir to fill it. Place one denture-cleaning tablet into the reservoir and allow the denture-cleaning tablet to dissolve for 30 minutes. Place a coffee filter into the basket and turn the coffeepot on. Let the coffee maker progress through the brew cycle. Pour the cleaning water down the drain, throw away the filter and run the coffeepot through two cycles with plain water.

    Cleaning the Thermos

    • 4

      Rinse the thermos with hot water. Add 2 tbsp. baking soda and fill the thermos 1/4 of the way. Insert a bottle brush and scrub the inside of the thermos. Rinse three to four times with plain water. Set the thermos upside down to dry.

    • 5

      Fill the thermos 3/4 of the way with crushed ice as another approach to cleaning it. Add 1 tbsp. table salt and 1/2 cup of water. Swirl the contents around the inside of thermos. Allow the salt and ice to sit for 10 to 15 minutes. Swirl the contents again and discard. Rinse the thermos thoroughly with plain water. If you prefer another option still, try the next step.

    • 6

      Pour 1/4 cup of baking soda into the thermos. Add 1 cup of white vinegar. Let the baking soda and vinegar fizz and bubble. Swirl the mixture inside the thermos and pour out the contents. Rinse with plain water.

    • 7

      Fill the thermos with warm water and add two denture-cleaning tablets as a fourth cleaning method. Allow the denture cleaning tablets to dissolve and pour the contents of the thermos down the drain. Rinse well with plain water.

    • 8

      Add 1/2 cup uncooked rice to the thermos and 1 cup white vinegar as a final option. Cap the thermos or hold your hand over the top and gently shake and swirl the rice and vinegar. Pour the contents into a strainer. Let the vinegar go down the drain and throw the rice in the garbage. Rinse the thermos with plain water.