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Types of Cleaning Chemicals and Solutions

Cleaning chemicals are used to clean many things like rugs, windows, upholstery, walls, floors, tiles, and tubs. All of these items and surfaces are different and require different chemicals and solutions to effectively clean them. Chemical cleaners can be divided based on their chemical properties into solvents, acids, bleaches and alkalis.
  1. Spirit Solvents

    • A spirit solvent is a substance, commonly used in chemical cleaners and paint, which dissolves another substance. Spirit solvents remove oily dirt from furniture and floors, and many furniture waxes and floor waxes contain them. Spirit solvents are also used in drain cleaners, sanitizers and all-purpose cleaners. Paint thinners, kerosene and turpentine are common spirit solvents. Spirit solvents because they are very flammable and must not be used near any open flame or sparks.


    • Some acids remove hard water deposits from glassware, rust stains from sinks and bathtubs and tarnish from bronze, brass, aluminum, and copper. Examples of acid cleaners are oxalic acid and sodium bisulfate or sulfuric acid. Some common household cleaners containing acids include toilet bowl cleaners. Hydrochloric acid, oxalic acid, sulfuric acid, and bisulfate acid are poisonous, corrosive and can cause personal injury.


    • Alkalis vary in strength and remove remove oily dirt without the need for rubbing. The strength of alkalis range from very mild to extra strength. Very mild alkalis include baking soda, which can be mixed with water to form a solution for cleaning glasses, porcelain, and tiles. Household ammonia is a moderate alkali containing between five to 10 percent ammonia gas in water. Strong alkalis, such as trisodium phosphate are used to clean wood work, walls and most floors, except for linoleum. Most alkalis are poisonous and even corrosive. For example, lye can burn the skin and irritate the eyes and throat. Wear gloves when cleaning with alkalis.


    • Bleaches remove stains and disinfect. One of the ingredients in bleach is sodium hypochlorite. Do not mix different cleaning products because of the unpredictability of the reaction of the different chemicals used to produce the cleaning products. This is especially true of bleach and toilet bowl cleaner, as this mixture will release a harmful gas, or form dangerous combustible chemical compounds.