Home Garden

Broccoli Smell in a Refrigerator

If opening up your refrigerator has become unpleasant due to an overwhelming odor of broccoli, it can leave you suddenly not feeling all that hungry anymore. Broccoli that has been overcooked has a tendency to put off a rather strong aroma, so if it ends up back in your refrigerator, it can cause quite a stink in that small enclosed space.
  1. Address the Problem

    • Whether the broccoli was overcooked and stored or it simply went bad, this isn't an odor that will keep people coming back to the refrigerator for more. In fact, it can be downright unappetizing. Locate the broccoli within the refrigerator and discard it immediately in an outside trash can. For the sake of eliminating the lingering odor, inspect every item in the refrigerator as you take it out and set it aside to make sure that the broccoli hasn't leaked all over it. Wipe down affected items or discard them as you empty out the refrigerator. Place the food into an ice chest with ice cubes to keep things chilled.

    Clean the Refrigerator

    • Wipe down the inside of the refrigerator with warm soapy water. Powdered laundry or dish soap in a ratio of 2 tbsp. per 1 qt of water should be sudsy enough. To be thorough, take out any removable shelves and wash them in the sink. Wash out crisper drawers and pay close attention to the area where the broccoli was sitting. Rinse away the soap with damp sponge and warm water.

    Zap the Odor

    • Mix a cup of baking soda into a gallon of warm water and wipe down the inside of the refrigerator before rinsing one more time with a damp sponge. Baking soda is highly effective for eliminating odor. Wipe down the inside of the refrigerator with a towel and leave it open to air dry. Give it about 30 minutes. Inspect the refrigerator to see if the odor is still there before putting your food back into it.

    When the Broccoli Smell Sticks Around

    • If the odor persists despite cleaning, baking soda and fresh air, try a new tactic. Have a friend or someone you know hold onto the food as you will not be able to use your refrigerator for a few days. Fill the empty refrigerator with crumpled newspapers that you have slightly dampened with water. Stuff the newspapers into the refrigerator and close the door. Keep your refrigerator filled with newspapers for four to five days. Replace the newspapers with fresh ones every other day until the smell is gone. If a week of this renders no result, the broccoli may have leaked and gotten into the refrigerator's insulation and you will need a professional to help take care of it. Contact the refrigerator's manufacturer if you suspect this is the case.