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How Does a Broken Belt Affect a Vacuum?

The belt inside a vacuum cleaner transfers the motion of the cleaner's motor to the brush roll for the purpose of agitating and sweeping the carpet during cleaning. A broken belt means the brush roll will not spin and therefore eliminates the vacuum's ability to effectively clean the carpet. Replace a worn or broken belt to avoid damaging the vacuum as well as your carpet.
  1. Decreases Performance

    • Dirt and other debris that rests on the carpet's surface is swept up by the brush roll. If the brush roll is not spinning due to a worn or broken belt, the cleaner will be reliant upon suction alone to clean the floor. Most vacuum have a relatively small opening inside the cleaning head, too small to pull dirt from the carpet and too narrow to efficiently clean hard surfaces. The result of a broken belt will include a severe decrease in the cleaning effectiveness of the vacuum and therefore a frustrating time spent by the user.

    Damages Cleaning Head

    • When a belt begins to break, it can make violent contact with the inside of the cleaning head as the motor shaft continues to spin it. The whipping motion can cause damage to the plastic parts inside the head and require it to be replaced altogether. If a part of the belt remains in contact with the shaft, the heat generated by it can melt the rubber belt and cause it to adhere to the inside of the head when it cools. Removing hardened rubber is difficult and may lead to the need to replace the cleaning head.

    Damages Motor

    • A damaged or broken belt that melts to the heat of the motor shaft will harden when cooled onto the motor shaft. It will not accept a new belt as long as the hardened rubber remains on the metal pin. Users will need to have the motor shaft cleaned or replaced before a replacement belt can be installed. If the belt is sucked into the motor, the fan will be damaged by the belt and the melting rubber can stick to the fan and other motor parts. A motor damaged by the belt will require replacement or rebuilding of the affected parts.

    Spotting a Vacuum with a Broken Belt

    • If your vacuum is set to the correct height for your carpet's pile, the brush roll will make a slight groan when the vacuum is on. A user can notice a broken belt by listening to the sound of the vacuum while it is in operation. One with a broken belt will have a higher pitched suction sound. Self-propelled vacuum cleaners rely upon the belts to power the propulsion mechanism. If the belt is broken or worn, the cleaner will be noticeably more difficult to push over the carpet while the motor is running.