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What Cleaner Should I Use for the Inside of My Fridge?

Cleaning your fridge on a regular basis is vitally important to preserving the quality of your refrigerated food, preventing cross-contamination and avoiding sickness and disease. Bacterial contamination is the primary source of food-borne illnesses, and although the public is aware of the importance of refrigerating perishable items, germs can also grow inside of the refrigerator -- although at a slower pace than they would at room temperature -- spreading to other items in the fridge. Routinely cleaning the refrigerator with the right cleaner removes these harmful agents to keep your food fresh and to keep you healthy.
  1. Basic Cleaning

    • For cleaning the inside of the refrigerator, dissolve 1/4 cup of baking soda in a quart of warm water and apply liberally. Afterwards, rinse with a damp cloth and towel-dry the inside of the refrigerator. For caked-on stains, apply a generous amount of the baking soda solution, and let the door remain open for 10 minutes or until the residue begins to soften, repeating the process if necessary.

    Handling Spills

    • Refrigerator spills should be handled quickly. If they involve juices from meat, poultry or fish, the Housekeeping Channel suggests using equal parts chlorine bleach and water to disinfect the area. Also, use paper towels, which can be thrown away, instead of dishcloths or sponges, which are conducive to spreading germs. Afterwards, rinse the area with water and dry with a soft cloth.

    Refrigerator Parts

    • Take out bins, shelves and other removable refrigerator parts, and soak them in the sink in hot water and hand dishwashing liquid. Soaking the parts for a longer period should remove any caked-on food. If not, gently scrub with a soft sponge or cloth. Avoid using harsh cleaners or objects that may scratch the refrigerator's parts. Afterwards, rinse with water, and dry with a soft cloth.

    Additional Tips

    • Avoid using vinegar, rubbing alcohol or any product containing alcohol since these substances may damage the coating on some plastic parts. Also avoid getting water on the lights or display panels. One of the best times to clean a refrigerator is before you go shopping for groceries so the perishable items won't have to remain out of the fridge while you're trying to shift contents to create space. This practice also reduces the chances of contaminating newly purchased food.