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How Long Do Odors From a Smoky Microwave Last?

Microwaves cook food quickly and efficiently, but they may burn foods if not carefully monitored. Burnt popcorn is one of the worst foods to burn, and the smoky, stale odor can last for weeks. Severe smoky odors can even alter the flavor of other food cooked in the microwave. Try a few simple strategies to remove or minimize smoky odors.
  1. Causes

    • Almost any food can burn if left in the microwave to long, but some foods are smokier than others. Moist, high fat foods, such as hot dogs and meats, and foods cooked in liquid, such as steamed vegetables dry up or explode, rather than producing a lot of smoke when overcooked. Dry foods, though, like microwave popcorn often produce smoke and may even catch fire if left in the microwave too long.

    Removing Odors

    • To remove the odors, mix 1 cup of water, 2 tbsp. lemon juice and 3 cloves in a large bowl. Cook this mixture in the microwave for two minutes, then allow it to sit in the microwave for 15 minutes more. Leave the microwave door open at night to air it out or place a bowl of baking soda in it when not in use. Place a few pieces of activated charcoal in the microwave if nothing else works. Activated charcoal, available at hardware stores, absorbs odors and is often used by professional restorers to remove odors.

    Burnt Food

    • In addition to a smoky odor, your microwave may be covered with bits of burnt food. To clean food debris, remove the rotating plate and wash it by hand in soapy water. Place a cup of water in the microwave and boil it for one or two minutes. The steam from the water softens the food, allowing for easier clean up. Wipe the inside of the microwave down while it is still warm, using a microfiber cloth to remove tough food debris. Add lemon juice or baking soda to the mixture to remove odors.


    • Always open or vent sealed plastic bags and cover exposed foods with a paper towel or lid to prevent splattering. Do not leave food unattended in the microwave, particularly food prone to smoking, such as popcorn. Plastic containers, such as margarine tubs or yogurt tubs, are designed for one use only and are not safe for reheating leftovers in the microwave. Do not use metal bowls or utensils either.