Home Garden

Remedy for Flies in a Pantry

Flies might overtake your pantry during the spring, summer or fall months. Pantries are home to bread, canned goods and other food items; and if your pantry is not properly secured, flies can detect these scents and take up residence. Though you might not identify their entry point, you can get rid of these pesky flies before they multiply.
  1. Pantry Door

    • Going into your pantry and repeatedly leaving the door open might give flies an open invitation to invade your pantry and food. If you detect a few flies lingering around your kitchen, keep the pantry door closed at all times. Open the door to retrieve an item, and then immediately shut the door. Consider positioning a towel or door guard against the bottom of the door to provide extra protection.

    Sealing Food

    • Leaving partially packaged or unwrapped food exposed in the pantry can attract flies. Purchase sandwich bags or freezer bags, and store opened items (cookies, potato chips and rice) in these packages to keep them fresh and prevent an invasion of flies. Using bag clips also helps to keep opened packages closed tightly, which helps keep flies away. Remove old fruit, such as bananas, apples and tomatoes, from the pantry to prevent fruit flies.


    • If you keep a wastebasket in your pantry, consider moving this bin to another location to discourage flies in your pantry. Wastebaskets that contain old food or fruit attract flies and fruit flies, and these pesky critters can invade your pantry. Relocate the waste receptacle, or empty the trash bag daily. When you remove wastebaskets from the pantry, carefully examine the surrounding area for maggots. These white, wormlike insects ultimately materialize as flies.

    Natural Repellents

    • Insect repellents are effective against flies. But if you're understandably hesitant to use chemical products in your pantry, consider other natural remedies to deter flies and keep them away from your food. Flies typically avoid scents such as lavender, citronella, mint and eucalyptus. You can burn these candles in your kitchen to keep flies away. Or purchase these remedies in an oil from a health food store, and sprinkle the oil in your pantry.