Home Garden

How to Unclog a Vacuum Hose

Life is easier with home appliances and tools. When they need maintenance, or small repairs, they can become a drain on our time. Vacuums help us clean carpets quickly and easily, but when you have to unclog a vacuum hose the time saved can be minimal. Read on to learn how to unclog a vacuum hose.


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      Unplug the vacuum. The first step when dealing with any electronic equipment is to unplug the device. It is basic, but it can be a life saver. Ensure that it is unplugged before you try to unclog the vacuum hose.

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      Get a long stick. A broom handle or long straight stick can help push out the clogs that can build up in the vacuum hose. Enlist the help of a friend to unclog a vacuum hose by having them hold the end of the hose straight. The curves hinder the progress of a straight object.

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      Use a drain auger. For really pesky clogs, try using a drain auger to push the obstacle out. Place mouth of the auger on the mouth of the hose and let her go.

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      Clean up before you vacuum. Prevention can always help you avoid having to unclog a vacuum hose. Pick up all large debris from the carpet before turning the vacuum on so as to prevent them from being sucked up and blocking the suction in the hose.

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      Call in the big guns. Sometimes the home remedies don't work and you need to call a repair shop to unclog a vacuum hose. They have skills and equipment to do just that.