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Why Is Americium Used in Smoke Detectors?

Smoke detectors save lives every day. The most common smoke detectors use americium, an element that is a byproduct of plutonium 241. The radiation is used to detect the present of smoke or heat sources. Despite its origins, the radioactivity in americium is not passed along to the members of the household.
  1. Easy to Make

    • Because americium is the byproduct of plutonium production, it is produced without any additional processes or efforts. Being a waste product makes the chemical easy to make.


    • In 1962, americium cost $1,500 per gram. The price today is the same. One gram of americium can power more than 3 million smoke detectors.


    • Americium is used in a smoke detector called an ionization detector that can sense the "particles of combustion" even if there is no smoke yet.

    Safe if Ingested

    • Despite its radioactivity, americium's isotopes do not break down in the digestive system if swallowed. Americium passes right through, and is therefore safe if swallowed.


    • Ionization detectors with americium are more cost-effective because the americium is less expensive than its counterpart, photoelectric detectors, which detect smoke via changes in light.