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Where Should You Place a Smoke Detector?

According to the U.S. Fire Administration, working smoke detectors can increase the chances of surviving a fire by 50 percent. While having smoke detectors in the house is a great first step, making sure they are located in appropriate areas will increase the chances that people living in a house where there is a fire will hear the alarm and get out safely.
  1. Where to Place Smoke Detectors

    • Smoke detectors should be present on every level of the building, and in some cases, more than one smoke detector per level is required. If individuals sleep with the bedroom door closed, it is important to have smoke detectors both inside and outside the room. Closing the door helps in case of a fire because the smoke will not enter the room, but a smoke detector in the bedroom will not be alerted to the fire. Smoke detectors outside the room should be placed near electronics or other appliances, such as televisions, that could cause a fire.

    Where Not to Place Alarms

    • While smoke detectors are beneficial, there are a few locations the U.S. Fire Administration does not recommend. Because of the high possibility of false alarms from car fumes or cooking smoke, alarms should not be placed in the garage or the kitchen. Smoke detectors should also not be placed in unheated and un-air conditioned lofts because they may not work properly in extreme heat or cold.

    Installing Smoke Detectors

    • Smoke detectors should be placed on or near the ceiling of a room. If placed on a wall, the detector shouldn't be farther than 12 inches or closer than 4 inches from the ceiling. Detectors should also be at least 3 feet away from heating vents of bathrooms and kitchens.