Home Garden

Smoke Detector Instructions

Smoke alarms save lives, but only when they're used correctly. Installing and maintaining them is not difficult, requiring only a little common sense and a bit of diligence.
  1. Check With Your Fire Department

    • If you are moving into a new house, check with your local fire department to see that you have the requisite number of smoke alarms installed in the correct places (laws vary from state to state). In general, smoke alarms should be installed near sleeping areas to alert sleeping people to the presence of fire danger.

    Have Two Sources of Power

    • Smoke alarms should be powered both by electricity and by battery, as a backup. Make sure your smoke alarm has a warning device to tell you when the battery needs to be changed.

    Make Sure It's Loud

    • Smoke alarms should emit a signal of at least 85 decibels, so it's sure to awaken sleeping people in the home.

    Maintain the Alarm

    • Smoke alarms work only if they're kept properly. Replace the batteries every six months, clean the grill work to make sure it is not blocked (blocked grillwork will not pick up the presence of smoke as quickly as it should), and test the alarm every once in a while to be sure it's working.

    Know How to Get Out

    • A smoke alarm is useless unless you have a way out of the home. Plan escape routes and be sure everyone who lives in the home knows them.