Home Garden

Smoke Detector Information

Smoke detectors are important and potentially life-saving devices that alert a household when smoke is present. It's critical that a smoke detector is not only installed properly but regularly tested to make sure that its batteries are working.
  1. Every Level of the House

    • There should be a smoke detector on every level of the house, including the basement. It's especially important that they are installed near bedrooms.


    • Install smoke detectors near the ceiling because smoke rises. Don't place them where a draft could interrupt their detection, including near vents, doors and windows.

    Paint on Alarms

    • Don't paint over smoke alarms--paint interferes with their sensitivity to smoke.

    Optional Measure

    • An optional measure is to hardwire all the smoke alarms to go off when one detector sounds the alarm. Install smoke alarms that flash or vibrate if someone who is hearing-impaired lives in the house.

    Ionization and Photoelectric

    • Ionization alarms work best to detect flames; photoelectric alarms will sound when fire is smoldering and smoky.

    Regular Testing

    • Test the batteries monthly and replace them at least once a year. Some people choose to change batteries during the winter and spring time changes or on their birthday.