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How to Dispose of a Smoke Detector as Waste Management

A smoke detector uses a finite amount of radioactive material in order to function. While the radioactive material is not harmful to humans as used by the detector's sensor, it must be properly disposed of when the detector has become defective or is being replaced. Follow a clear set of procedures to properly dispose of a smoke detector as waste after it has been removed from service. Managing the disposal of the smoke detector will only cost you time and effort and a small amount of money.

Things You'll Need

  • Newspaper
  • Masking tape
  • Box
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      Twist the smoke detector's cover off. Remove the battery from the battery compartment in the smoke detector. Dispose of the battery at a hazardous waste management center; the location of a center in your area can be found using the telephone Yellow Pages or by searching for this information online. Pay the fee for returning the battery, if there is a charge.

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      Twist the cover back on the detector. Wrap the detector in six layers of newspaper to block any radiation outputted by the sensor in the detector. Run masking tape around the newspaper so that it stays wrapped around the detector.

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      Dispose of the detector at the same hazardous waste management center where you took the battery. Alternately, you can box the detector and mail it to the company that makes it for removal; call the company's service number first to confirm that they will take the detector back for disposal and what fee, if any, must be paid.