Home Garden

Should a Fire Alarm Be Installed in the Kitchen?

Cooking and baking equipment are a leading cause of residential home fires and fire injuries. According to National Fire Protection Association, U.S. fire departments respond to an estimated 154,700 home structure fires per year that involve cooking equipment. So it seems logical to have a smoke alarm in the kitchen. However, this is not the case. Smoke alarms should not be placed in kitchens or garages because of the smoke and fumes of the equipment used in these areas.
  1. Installation

    • At the very least, one smoke alarm should be placed on each level of the home. A smoke alarm should be placed inside every bedroom as well. A smoke alarm should never be placed inside a kitchen, bathroom or garage. A smoke alarm should be placed no closer than 3 feet from the door to the kitchen or bathroom. Install on the ceiling or high on a wall at least 4 inches from the ceiling.


    • Kitchen heat and steam from the bathroom can set off a smoke alarm. Fumes from automobiles in garages will set the alarm chirping.


    • Two types of smoke alarms are available. Ionization smoke alarms detect invisible fire particles from fast flaming fires. Photoelectric smoke sensing alarms will sense visible fire particles found in slow smoldering fires. Both types work effectively to detect either type of fire. For the most protection, both types should be installed.


    • Test the smoke alarms once a month. Push the test button on the alarm to see if it is working properly. If the alarm is not working, replace it immediately. Vacuum and dust occasionally. Never cover the alarms with paint or stickers.