Home Garden

How to Decode Fire Tones

Fire alarms are used to alert you that a fire or smoke is present in an area near you. These alarms sound in a wide variety of tones. Different fire alarm manufacturers create different sounds for alarms. Regardless of the tone, whenever you hear a loud alarm sound, take immediate action by checking for fire, calling 911 to report the fire (or smoke if you cannot see the fire) and evacuating the premises. Additionally, be prepared to extinguish small fires that are not spreading using a fire extinguisher. Only adults should use fire extinguishers.


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      Listen to whether the fire tone is high pitched or not. Fire alarms with high pitches are often used in homes to alert occupants of a fire or something smoking in the premises. Extinguish small fires that are not spreading using a fire extinguisher. It is often located somewhere in your kitchen or in another designated area.

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      Look for a blinking light. Although this is not an audible tone, blinking lights can also be fire alarms. They are used in large public spaces such as shopping malls to alert you of a fire or smoke in some part of the property.

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      Listen for any other type of loud, sustained alarm. The sound may vary depending on the fire alarm system installed. For example, you may hear a loud bell, a siren or another disturbing sound.