Home Garden

How to Prevent a False Reading on a Home Carbon Monoxide Detector

Home carbon monoxide detectors alert homeowners to dangerous levels of carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is difficult to detect using your senses, as it is colorless and does not have a noticeable smell. Anything that runs on gas, oil, or propane produces carbon monoxide. If the carbon monoxide is running without being turned off, it can cause serious health problems, including headache, disorientation, sleepiness, vomiting, fainting, and, in extreme cases, brain damage and death. There are several steps you can take to ensure that a carbon monoxide detector is providing an accurate reading and alert in your home.

Things You'll Need

  • Internet access
  • Carbon monoxide detector


    • 1

      Research your options before purchasing a home carbon monoxide detector. Use the internet to gain access to trusted review sources, such as Consumer Reports. The Environmental Protection Agency suggests researching carbon monoxide detectors, since brands can vary dramatically, and, in general, carbon monoxide detectors are not as reliable as smoke detectors.

    • 2

      Purchase a carbon monoxide detector and review the manufacturer's instructions for use. Each brand may have specific instructions to get the best performance from the detector.

    • 3

      Place the carbon monoxide detector in an area where it will be less likely to have a false reading. Keep it away from humid areas, garages, areas with excessively high or low ventilation, stove tops, or ovens, or in an area where it could become damaged. Since carbon monoxide spreads evenly throughout the air, the detector can be placed either high or low on a wall without making a difference in the reading.

    • 4

      Check the batteries on the unit frequently by running a test, as instructed by the manufacturer. Replace batteries as needed to ensure that the detector is working well.