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Brands of Smoke Detectors

Smoke detectors, also known as smoke alarms, alert you to the presence of smoke within your home or business. Regardless of brand, a smoke detector may be an ionization alarm, photoelectric alarm or dual sensor smoke alarm, according to the U.S. Fire Administration, which recommends the use of either an ionization and photoelectric alarm or the dual sensor alarm. The combination of the technologies results in both slow burning, smoldering fires as well as quicker, flaming fires triggering the alarm, alerting you to the presence of danger as soon as it starts.

  1. First Alert Smoke Detectors

    • First Alert manufactures both ionization and photoelectric smoke alarms, as well as dual sensor smoke detectors. The 85 decibel alerting systems come with a 10-year limited warranty. Some models feature a remote control function, enabling you to test the system with your television or radio remote. The additional mute button makes it possible to turn the alarm off temporarily, while not disabling it completely, due to a non-flaming smoke episode in the kitchen or steam escaping from the bathroom.

    Kidde Smoke Detectors

    • Kidde also manufactures photoelectric, ionization and dual smoke detectors. Warranty coverage varies depending on model, so you may end up with zero to 10 years of warranty coverage on your unit. Some units can be hardwired into your home's electrical supply, with battery backup, and others rely solely on battery power. Kidde's alarms sound at 85 decibels, and the company also offers a talking alarm.

    FireX Smoke Detectors

    • FireX, which was acquired by the Kidde Company in 2007, was at one time the most widely installed smoke detector company, according to the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The company manufactured both ionization smoke detectors and photoelectric smoke alarms. Although Kidde no longer makes FireX detectors -- the FireX technology is now under the Kidde brand -- you may encounter FireX smoke detectors in your home or commercial setting.