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How Many Smoke Detectors Should We Have in Our Business?

The minimum number of smoke detectors in your business is determined by local building and fire codes. In all but 11 states, fire codes are based on recommendations by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Your local fire marshall will be the best source to learn the specific requirements for your area, but in general the NFPA requires businesses to have either complete or partial fire detection coverage. However, some small businesses aren’t required to install any alarm system.

  1. Complete Coverage

    • Complete-coverage fire detection means that nearly every human-accessible space in your business is protected by a smoke detector. Multilevel buildings usually require complete coverage. If your business requires complete coverage, install a smoke detector in each room, hallway, stairwell, basement and attic. Place a detector in subdivisions of the building, including elevator shafts, garbage or laundry chutes, and areas under suspended ceilings. If an area of the building is inaccessible and contains flammable materials, you’ll need to make it accessible and protected by a detector to comply with fire codes.

    Partial Coverage

    • Buildings with a maximum occupancy of 300 people or under three stories may only require partial coverage. Unlike complete coverage, only spaces where staff or customers work or travel through need to be protected by smoke detectors. Protect work areas, lobbies, hallways and storage areas with a smoke detector or alarm system. Unfinished or unused spaces within your building must also be covered by smoke detection. Install smoke detectors according to manufacturer's instructions and mount detectors on the surface of the ceiling or wall unless rated for recessed installations.

    Specific or No Coverage

    • Small businesses may only require a smoke detector in specific areas representing unusual fire danger, such as kitchens or areas with flammable materials. Some offices aren’t required by code to have any smoke detectors at all.

      Of course, common sense dictates you’ll want warning in case of fire. Install a smoke detector in each office or common area. Commercially available ionization and photoelectric detectors can cover 900 square feet of floorspace, so plan to install multiple units in large or irregularly shaped areas.