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Does a Heater Closet Require a Smoke Detector?

When you write up your home safety checklist, smoke detectors should easily be at the top of the list. Where to place them can be the tricky part. Some areas might seem as though they need a smoke detector when they really don't.

  1. Where Smoke Detectors are Required

    • Most residential safety codes state that smoke detectors are required in any sleeping room, which is defined as a room with a closet. They are also necessary in any area leading to sleeping rooms, such as a hallway or living room. A smoke detector should be on each level, including the basement, according to the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency.

    Why You Might Think It's Necessary

    • Gas water heaters have a pilot light, which could appear to be a potential safety hazard. It may seem that if the pilot light goes out, gas will continue to flow through the pilot light valve into your home, creating a potential explosion. Fortunately, pilot light valves are equipped to cut off gas flow in the event of your pilot light going out.

    Water Heater Closet Regulations

    • A major reason it should not be necessary to place a smoke detector in a water heater closet is that there should never be items stored in the closet, so there should be no flammable materials to cause a fire. Any regulated rental property will specifically state that residents should never use water heater closets for storage, as it can be quite dangerous because of the high temperatures.

    Not Required, But Your Choice

    • While smoke detector regulations do not require residents to place them in water heater closets, if you would feel better having one in the closet you can place one there. However, smoke detectors are built to detect any particle in the air, and sometimes pressure being released from the water heater could trip the alarm, which could become aggravating. You might be better off to place the smoke detector outside the closet but still in its vicinity.