Home Garden

Smoke Detector Noise

A smoke detector's high-pitched sound can save lives, but these protective devices only function as well as they are maintained. Improve safety at home or the office by troubleshooting smoke detector noise.

  1. Batteries

    • Most smoke detectors use AAA, AA or 9-volt batteries. Smoke detectors beep continuously when the batteries are running low. This repetitive beeping sound is a warning to remind you to replace the batteries.

    False Alarms

    • A smoke detector is extremely sensitive. Insects and cobwebs can set the alarm off without the presence of smoke. Steam and mist from the kitchen and bathroom can also trick the detector into thinking there is smoke.

    Testing and Maintenance

    • Remove the smoke detectors and test them every month. To test them, press the reset button and listen for the smoke alarm. Vacuum the smoke detectors to remove insects, cobwebs and dust. If necessary, replace old batteries.