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How to Avoid Getting Zapped By Static

Static can cause discomfort most times. We can encounter static, various ways. For example, when you are coming out of your car, touching a door knob or you can even have static in your hair. I have been shocked by static quite a few times and after following these simple techniques, I can gladly say, that I am static free!

Things You'll Need

  • All-natural anti-static dryer sheets
  • Metal object
  • Hair spray
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      When getting out of your car, avoid dragging yourself on the seat of the car. When you do that, there is friction between the car seat and your clothing, therefore, there is a buildup of static.

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      When you are ready to step out of the car, remain seated, but place one foot on the ground, the other foot should still be in the car. Hold onto the metal part of the car door or any metal part of the car. Keep holding on until you are out of the car, then close the car door.

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      When you are ready to pump gas, ground yourself by touching the metal part of the car before you start to pump the gas. Also don't use cell phones near the gas pump, neither do you want to go back into the car, until you are finished pumping the gas.

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      To Avoid static buildup in your clothes, you may consider using all- natural anti-static dryer sheets. (should be able to purchase them at any supermarket)

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      The shoes that you wear have a lot to do with how often you get shocked by static. Wear leather shoes instead of rubber.

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      Choosing your fabrics wisely will help to prevent static. Stick to cotton fabrics instead of synthetic fibers.

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      We all know that in the winter, our hair will just not stay down. There are always some stray hair sticking out. We can get those hair back in place by using a simple solution. Spray air spray (slightly) on your hair brush and brush your hair thoroughly.