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How to Be Safe When Using A Pocket Knife

Have you ever needed to cut something with a pocket knife? What about use it as a screw driver? Or anything else? Well in this article I will show you how to be safe when using a pocket knife.

Things You'll Need

  • Pocket Knife
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      The first thing is that pocket knifes can cut you and if you are not safe using them you can get hurt.

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      When using a pocket knife do the following,

      - Keep the blades closed except when you are using them
      - Cut away from yourself
      - Close the blades before you hand the knife to someone else
      - Keep the blade on your knife clean
      - A sharp blade is eaiser to control than a dull one
      - Obay and school and other regulations that do not allow carring knives on the property

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      When using a pocket knife DO NOT do the following,

      - Carry a knife with a open blade
      - Throw a knife becaue you or someone else may get hurt
      - Cut tward yourself because if the blade slips you can cut yourself
      - Never hit the knife with anything that could hurt the blade or casing

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      When opening up a pocket knife keep your figures clear of the sharp edge as you open and close the blade of your knife.