Home Garden

How to Store Stamps in a Fire Proof Home Safe

Stamp collectors or philatelists spend so much time and energy on their collections, a single home or office fire can destroy an entire grouping in seconds. Taking the time and effort to diligently protect a collection can save much heartache in the event of an unfortunate accident. While no one way of protecting an album is foolproof, choosing the best equipment can make a monumental difference.

Things You'll Need

  • Fireproof safe
  • Stamp album
  • Loose leaf paper or stamp storing sheets
  • Humidity controlling product (packet, envelope or other type)
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      Choose a fireproof safe carefully. Each safe is rated based on temperature survivability. Choosing a safe that is "media safe" may improve the likelihood of temperatures not damaging stamps. Consider also that many times safes are exposed to water during a home fire.

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      Place stamps in stamp albums attached to loose leaf paper with glassine strips or in a special stamp binder. Storage in an album is important to prevent damage to stamps by dust.

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      Place the album inside the safe upright if possible. Stamps are more easily preserved upright than flat. Be sure no other items are crushing the top or sides of the album.

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      Carefully place a moisture-absorbing product in the safe not touching the album. This will draw any ambient humidity away from the album.

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      Always keep the safe locked and inspect stamps regularly for any damage from humidity or heat.