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Ventilation Requirements for Swimming Pool Chemical Storage in Texas

Swimming pool chemicals are used to keep pool water free from germs and bacteria. There are some types of pool chemicals that are potentially dangerous if mixed with other chemicals or stored in an improper manner. Texas has specific requirements regarding the proper storage of pool chemicals.
  1. Identification

    • Swimming pool chemicals are used to keep large non-residential pools clean and free from disease. According to the Environmental Protection Agency or EPA, pool chemicals that have oxidation properties have the potential to release toxic vapors if stored in an area that is poorly ventilated.


    • Each Texas county enforces specific rules by controlling the types of chemicals used and where they are stored. The Local Regulatory Authority of the City of Frisco, Texas must approve any process or chemicals used by large non-residential pools other than bromide and chlorine. Pool chemicals in Texas must be stored in an area that is well ventilated.


    • Texas pool facilities must house chemicals in an area that is not accessible to the public. Storage areas must provide flood protection and must be well ventilated to the outside. Storage facilities housing swimming pool chemicals in Texas must meet all fire and building codes in the county in which the facility is located.