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Security Boxes That Look Like a Bean Tin

Hide in plain sight. That is the reason for consumers to buy home safety boxes disguised as routine household items such as bean cans or tins. Bean can safety boxes look pretty much alike. Most are under $20, as of 2010. Security experts express agreement that these safety boxes, also known as diversion safes, do not offer a great deal of protection for your valuables.
  1. Familiarity

    • Just as you know about diversion safes, so does the thief. While the labeling is better when these items first came to market, advertising and word of mouth have heightened the thief's awareness of this tactic. Say you put some silver dollars in a bean tin. All the thief needs to do is a quick sweep of your pantry and he will know by the weight that you have a bean tin safety box. Remember to keep the net weight close to what the label says.


    • When hiding things in plain sight in a diversion safe like a bean tin there are some things you can do to make your valuables safer. First, if you use Campbell Beans all the time, it is not a good idea to use a diversion safe that displays the Hunt's brand. Thieves are aware of the use of diversion safes, and a single different brand can is a potential tip-off to them that you are using a diversion safe. To avoid this telltale sign, buy a few tins of the brand your safety box is and mix them up. Also, get more than one diversion safe and split your valuables between them.

    Is a Bean Safety Box Worth It?

    • There are two schools of thought about this. Many experts think that if you are broken into by a bunch of kids doing a quick smash and grab, a diversion safe could work as they will not spend the time looking for a diversion safe. They are in a hurry to get out. On the other hand, a sophisticated professional thief knows what to look for and just might take the time to look around a bit, because he isn't rushed.