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Key Control Procedures in Army Warehouses

Key control procedures in Army warehouses are governed by Army Regulation 385-5 and AR 190-11. According to Army policy, keys may only be released to authorized personnel who must sign a Department of the Army Form 5513 acknowledging their receipt. Upon returning the warehouse keys, personnel must again sign a DA Form 5513.
  1. Function

    • Keys and locks are used to prevent unauthorized access to Army property. Key control procedures are in place to ensure that even authorized personnel are held accountable for their possession of warehouse keys and for the equipment they are accessing.


    • DA Form 5513 is entitled "Key Control Register and Inventory." Each warehouse key is given a designated number, and the person responsible for the control of all keys may authorize personnel to sign for the receipt of a key. A DA Form 5513 provides space to sign for a key that includes: key number, date/time issued, the printed and signed name of the issuer, the printed and signed name of the person the key was issued to, the date and time the key was returned and the printed name and signature of the person to whom it was returned.


    • Key control procedures in Army warehouses serve to maintain accountability of all Army property. If equipment is missing, a DA Form 5513 enables commanders to discover the last person who had access to the items.