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How to Hide Valuables in a Stuffed Animal

It can be difficult to find a good place to store valuables in your home when you are leaving for a short trip or an extended vacation. Dresser drawers, closets and cabinets are the first places a thief is likely to look for your valuables. When storing your valuables for safekeeping, choose uncommon places, such as inside a child's toy. A stuffed animal, such as a teddy bear, makes the perfect place to hide small precious items. It's easy to transform a simple stuffed teddy bear into a safe.

Things You'll Need

  • Seam ripper
  • Needle
  • Thread
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    • 1

      Find a seam on the back of the stuffed animal.

    • 2

      Insert the seam ripper into the seam and cut through the stitched threads.

    • 3

      Remove some of the stuffing to make room for your valuable and insert it inside.

    • 4

      Thread the needle and sew shut the opening.