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What Papers to Put in a Home Safe

Knowing which documents to store in your safe can mean the difference between panicking and calmly handling stressful situations such as fire, theft or the passing of a loved one. Storing important papers in a locked, fire proof safe will make the documents easier to find and retrieve when needed. The safe will also provide peace of mind, since you'll know the documents will be protected from prying eyes.
  1. Personal Identification

    • Use your fireproof safe to file passports, social security cards, birth certificates and other personal identification documents that are not needed on a daily basis. This will cut down the chances of identity theft, as well as protect the documents for future use. Identity thieves target your identity in order to make fake documents for illegal uses in addition to stealing your money.

    Financial Documents

    • As with personal identification documents, bank books, credit cards, stock certificates, bonds, tax records, account numbers and other informational documents can be used by identity thieves to access your accounts or misuse your identity. In the event of theft, it is recommended you have the numbers written down separately from the original documents for reference. This list of numbers as well as any originals that are not needed on a daily basis should also be secured in a home safe.

    Important Documents

    • Store deeds, titles, wills, insurance, and mortgage documents in a home safe. These documents are not easily replaceable and contain important information that will need to be referenced in the future. Maintain an inventory of valuables in your home or possession along with their serial numbers and photos. Store this information in a separate file in the safe. These documents are important to tell a trusted loved one or an executor about, in case they need to be accessed in your absence.

    Medical Records

    • For your privacy, any medical records that you have in your possession should also be kept in a safe. These could include test results that were obtained by mail, copies of records you have received from your doctor or health care provider. This protects information you do not wish to disclose about your health, medical conditions, or choice of care facilities. If you have enacted a living will, keep it with the medical records.