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Uses of Coral Fungi

Coral fungi or coral mushrooms are some of the most fascinating organisms that mycologists and other mushroom enthusiasts can find. Other than demonstrating a dazzling coral appearance, coral fungi also happen to be a gastronomic treat. The use of coral fungi in the kitchen can make any dining experience more interesting with proper knowledge and handling.
  1. General Culinary Purposes

    • Coral fungi should be obtained fresh, and the best parts come from the young tips. More mature portions of the fungi have a sort of undesirable woody texture. As with any mushroom, enthusiasts have to be careful when picking them. Collectors of coral fungi should ask assistance from mycologists and other mushroom enthusiasts in order to properly identify the edible varieties of coral fungi.

    In Stew

    • Preparing clavaria stew, or coral fungi stew, is one thing you can do with coral fungi. Preparing the fungi requires washing it in tepid water and wiping it dry, "sweating" it over a slow fire, straining its "sweat" and stewing for an hour. You then add in salt, pepper, cloves and parsley; some plain stock to balance the flavors, dredging occasionally with flour; and finishing off with eggs and cream for a thicker sauce.

    As a Dish with Wine

    • Coral fungi have been described as having an earthy flavor and a meaty feel, and they can become the life of a wine party when paired with the appropriate wines. Bordeaux and Pinot Noir wines pair up nicely with coral fungi served plain or as part of hors d'oeuvres such as mushroom pinwheels. Coral fungi can also be paired with a variety of meat dishes.


    • Another use of coral fungi is as a fried or sauteed food. The most palatable treatment for coral mushrooms is to simply fry or saute the fungi in butter or oil in a frying pan and then add some salt and pepper to taste. Fried clavaria or coral fungi can be served hot with some buttered toast and fried eggs. These mushrooms can also be fried or sauteed with some onions and then be added to a curry recipe.

    Other Uses

    • There are some people who would contend that eating coral fungi raw is an exciting and palatable culinary experience. Coral fungi have a rather sweet taste and can therefore be used in making salads. Coral fungi can be as versatile as any other edible fungus and can be used in stir fry, sauces, soups and other dishes. However, any coral fungus that has bruises or forms of discoloration should never be used in the kitchen.