Home Garden

Homemade Fireproof Safe

No one wants to think about fire striking their home. Nevertheless, preparing a plan for keeping your important papers and other items safe is imperative. Purchasing a fire-proof safe can be costly. However, there are a number of other options for safeguarding your valuables. It's important to choose one and take action just in case the unthinkable happens.
  1. Containers

    • Choose a fireproof container for your makeshift safe, such as a non-rusting aluminum container, such as a toolbox. Select something that is waterproof. This is crucial. Place your valuable items inside a resealable plastic bag so they will remain clean and moisture-free. Lock the container and place the key in a handy location that only you know about, or keep it with your car keys. Keep a spare key elsewhere.


    • Select a secure, fireproof place to store your safe. Refrigerators and freezers are likely to survive a fire. Stash your container inconspicuously, such as inside the drawer of the refrigerator or on a low shelf. Other alternatives include burying the container in your backyard or cutting a hole in the cement floor of your cellar to create a hiding place. Hiding your safe in the cellar is a good option because smoke and heat rises and this area will be more protected.


    • Keep your safe secure by limiting the number of people you inform of its existence. When storing your homemade safe, keep it inconspicuous. Do not place your storage container in a place where it will appear out of place. If you are using a refrigerator to conceal your valuables, use a container that is congruent with an object you would find there, such as an empty cardboard milk container or a plastic food bowl.


    • Remember to check on your stored valuables. Whatever the container you have chosen, proper maintenance is important to its continued security. Open the box once a month to see if there is any moisture buildup or if any part of the system has failed so you can take quick action to protect your valuables. Humidity may accumulate and create mildew, which can ruin paper documents. Add desiccant packs, purchased at home centers, to the box to absorb moisture.