Home Garden

Homemade Home Security

In any economy, the last thing a homeowner wants to do is get "robbed" by exorbitant monitoring fees from faceless security companies. Many homeowners search for a less expensive way to keep their homes safe from trespassers and predators. Homemade home security systems are being revisited as old becomes new again.
  1. The Basics

    • Keep your home secure by not overlooking the very basics. Ensure that all of your window latches and locks work properly. Check door jams for bolt and lock plates that are secure and haven't fallen off or been removed. Replace light bulbs in yard and porch lights, and check that all work properly. Finally, place a security system sticker in your front window. These small changes act as strong deterrents to would-be intruders.

    Man's Best Friend

    • Man's best friend is good for more than wagging his tail and making sure you get that much needed evening walk. Next to an actual alarm system, a dog is the No. 1 security system you can purchase. A medium- to large-size dog is scary for even the most foolhardy, especially a stranger. The threat of neighbors hearing the barking animal or, worse yet, the possibility of being bitten sends an intruder running for the hills. If you have the patience and energy to handle this protective addition to your family, a dog is well worth considering.

      If you don't want a dog, then set the largest dog bone and dish you can find on your front and back porch. A thief may think twice when he stumbles upon those.

    Out of the Box Tricks

    • Booby trap your home and yard. Using an eye hook and latches, set up trip wires around your home. These can be used along the bottoms of all entry doors and at the top and bottom of your staircase. Hook bells onto either end of each wire to create enough noise to alert you to an intruder. Simply remove the latches during the day when you are up and about to ensure that you don't trip over the wires.

      If you have a privacy fence but worry that someone will jump over it into your yard, stick thumbtacks, point side up, on double-sided tape, and place them along the top of your fencing. There is no need for an alarm there; an intruder will make plenty of noise when he gets a handful of tacks.

      Put screws in window frames. This prevents the windows from being lifted any higher than the screws. You will still be able to open the windows for fresh air, but no intruder will be able to squeeze into the small opening that is kept small by the screws. Make sure the screws can be untwisted easily in case escape through windows is necessary due to a fire.