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How to Service Envoy Security Systems

DSC Envoy security systems offer a variety of home security applications for safety monitoring and theft prevention purposes. An activated DSC Envoy system utilizes the system controller to report information from security appliances throughout the house, including motion detectors and fire detectors, to a central monitoring terminal. Regular service testing is required to keep an eye on the detection abilities of your Envoy security system.

Things You'll Need

  • DSC Envoy user's guide
  • Clean rag
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  1. System Testing

    • 1

      Test your DSC Envoy security system weekly. Call the central monitoring station for your security system and inform them that you will be performing a test of your DSC Envoy security system.

    • 2

      Turn on your Envoy security system controller. Initiate a test by pressing "*," "6," the security system's master code, and then "4." The Envoy system's siren will sound and all keypad lights will turn on for two seconds.

    • 3

      Press "#" to end the siren and keypad test.

    • 4

      Walk throughout your home to test your security system's motion detectors. Open all windows and doors.

    • 5

      Return to your Envoy security system controller and press "Status" to begin zone testing. Press "#" to end any fire zone sirens that sound during testing.

    • 6

      Call the central monitoring station and inform them that you have finished your test. Make sure to find out if anything indicating an improperly functioning security system was found. Report any malfunction information to your security system's installer.

    Error Messages

    • 7

      Press "*" and "2" if your Envoy security system's controller displays error messages. The system controller will indicate a problem with a lit "System" light, two short beeps occurring at 10-second intervals or a "System trouble" speaker announcement.

    • 8

      Listen to the error announcement made by the system controller. Refer to your DSC Envoy user's guide for specific directions to general error messages.

    • 9

      Press "#" to end the error announcement.

    Dusting & Batteries

    • 10

      Lightly dampen a clean rag with water. Make sure that no part of the rag is moist enough to leave behind any water.

    • 11

      Lightly dust your Envoy security system's controller with the dampened rag to remove any dust accumulations.

    • 12

      Reference the battery section of your DSC Envoy user's guide to learn the battery requirements for your Envoy security system model. Your user's guide will also include model-specific battery replacement techniques.