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Risks of Home Security Alarm Monitoring Using a Land Line

When an alarm system is triggered it sends a signal to your monitoring company. Many people use a land line to monitor their security system. However, there are several reasons why you should not use a land line to monitor your system.
  1. Monitoring

    • The most common way to send alarm signals to a monitoring facility is through a land line, or regular telephone line. Companies like ADT, GE Security and others monitor these signals and dispatch the appropriate personnel depending on the type of alarm (police, fire or medical).

    Why not to use a Land Line

    • If an intruder knows your system is being monitored via a land line, all they have to do is disconnect the land line and your system ceases to be monitored. This effectively disables your entire security system. Even though your siren may go off, a knowledgeable intruder can disable any siren in a matter of seconds.

    Line Monitoring

    • Some people think the monitoring facility monitors the land line connection but typically they do not. Active line monitoring is usually only used for very high-security commercial and government facilities.

    Internet Monitoring

    • Some people use their internet connection through VOIP (voice over internet protocol) to monitor their security system. VOIP has the same vulnerabilities--and more--than a land line.

    Alternative to Land Line Monitoring

    • The best alternative is to use a device called a cell backup. Cell backups are used by many business and home owners who understand the limitations of land line monitoring. Cell backups are more reliable because all signals are sent via wireless to a local cell tower.


    • The cell backup unit retails for $200 to $300 and must be installed by a professional. You will be charged more for monitoring because of the cellular account, but often you can arrange a discount by contacting a local alarm company.