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Types of Security Detection Systems

Security is a basic need, just like food, clothing and shelter. In fact, it is arguably more important than the previously mentioned necessities, since security impacts an individual or establishment's life and well-being in general. Thus, in order to ensure a person or a business is kept safe in their chosen places of rest or address, security detection systems are installed and used.
  1. Types

    • There are two different types of security detection systems, based on purpose and technical features. These two include the traditional electronic security systems, in which an intruder is spotted by means of electronic sensors or devices, and the intrusion security system that is used on a computer to prevent criminals from stealing a person's passwords and other vital information stored on the Web.

    Security Alarms

    • Security alarms are known for their innovative technical features. Used commonly in houses and business establishments, these devices detect security threats by means of security cameras, guard dog perimeters and electronic fences. There is also a new form of security alarm called the X1 security system, which is operated through household electric wiring. Most security systems use infrared and laser detectors to spot intruders, and they ring an alarm to notify those living in the house, as well as the authorities, that a threat is present.

    Intrusion Security Systems

    • Intrusion detection security alarms are designed to prevent hackers from accessing vital information from a victim's account. Important details such as a person's IP address, usernames and passwords can be visible across the Internet by means of certain actions, including phishing, Web trawling and retrieving email properties. Intrusion detection systems work by detecting unauthorized access attempts, and eventually inform the rest of the system not to accommodate the said attempt when used deliberately.


    • Home security systems come with a network of monitors, cameras and wiring placed at different parts of the house or given location, and are controlled by computer. Intrusion detection systems are downloaded and installed on the computer in order to begin searching for phishing and email password hacking.


    • Security detection systems are highly important in maintaining not only security of a person or business within their own areas of responsibilities, but also inform the users of possible threats to prepare for in the future. Because their security is taken care of, these people are more comfortable when working in the monitored areas, since their safety is protected from external, unauthorized persons who plan to steal, cheat or do them harm both online and in real life.