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How to Test Panic Door Alarms

Panic door alarms can help secure your home from burglary and keep children safe from potentially dangerous rooms. A panic door alarm will make a loud, high-pitched siren noise when someone opens a door it's attached to, alerting you, or the person who opened the door, to danger. You should test your panic door alarm on a semiregular basis to ensure that it is in proper working condition. It doesn't take long and requires minimal effort.


    • 1

      Install your panic door alarm on the inside of the protected room. Secure hanging alarms on the doorknob. Secure mounted alarms on or above the door, depending on the instructions that came with the alarm. Follow the instructions that come with the panic alarm exactly as written.

    • 2

      Open and close the door with the alarm off first. Be sure that the alarm can withstand the force of the opening and closing of the door. Attach the alarm more securely if the alarm falls off or becomes weak. Do not cover any portion of the alarm's speaker when securing the alarm.

    • 3

      Alert other members of the household that you are testing the alarm. Evacuate small children and family pets if the alarm may startle them. Alert neighbors if you live in close proximity to prevent police calls or unwanted attention.

    • 4

      Shut the door from the inside of the room. Turn the alarm to the on position, and stand back. Slowly turn the doorknob and open the door. Use very little force to test how sensitive the panic alarm's sensor is. Shut the door carefully and turn off the panic alarm once the panic alarm begins sounding.

    • 5

      Repeat Step 4 several times, opening the door with increasing speed and intensity. Don't rely on one test. Test multiple times to check for battery life and function. Redo a specific test if the panic alarm doesn't respond well.

    • 6

      Turn the alarm to the on position, and shut the door from the outside of the room or house. Open the door. Once the panic alarm begins sounding, turn off the panic alarm. Use varying degrees of force and test multiple times.