Home Garden

What are the Advantages of a Password Security System?

A growing number of homeowners utilize home alarm systems to protect them, as well as their property. Some of these alarm systems feature a password security system, which offers many advantages.
  1. Increased Security

    • Some home security systems come with additional monitoring services. Normally a predetermined password is chosen by the homeowner and maintained by the security company. Once the alarm goes off, the security company will attempt to verify the password by calling the household--normally through the telephone. If nobody answers the call or an incorrect password is provided, the incident will be reported to the police.


    • Home alarm systems can accidentally go off. Password security systems eliminate false alarms by allowing homeowners to type in a code to disarm the alarm.

    Password Reset

    • Security companies can change the password when a homeowner feels the need to do so, which is helpful for homeowners moving into a new home.


    • A survey in 2000 by the National Burglar and Fire Association found that 90 percent of convicted burglars said they would avoid a house protected by a security system. Since password security systems are an efficient and effective manner of informing the police in cases of break-ins, they are a strong deterrent for the potential burglar to leave immediately. Many companies also leave signs saying that the home is protected, in hopes of preventing break-ins before they start.


    • Most home security systems also have a verbal backup password that can be used over the phone with the security company should someone forget the password.