Home Garden

How to Stop Vandalism of Outdoor Pot Light Fixtures

Though vandalism of outdoor pot light fixtures may seem like a not-so-serious crime, any person trespassing onto your property to perform an act of vandalism does damage to feelings of security and safety. The crimes may also escalate, leading to vandalism of other objects on the property or even breaking into the home. It's best to stop the vandalism of objects such as outdoor pot light fixtures before the crimes are allowed to escalate and more damage is caused.


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      Install outdoor cameras. Choose from a variety of camera types available to home consumers. Closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras keep a constant video stream of the targeted area; Internet Protocol (IP) cameras function like CCTV cameras but stream their information through a wireless internet service; motion-activated photo cameras take snapshots of moving objects. Remove any obstructions between the cameras and the outdoor pot light fixtures. Train the cameras onto the pot light fixtures so you can record any vandalism that takes place.

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      Install flood lights outside close to the pot light fixtures. Choose motion-activated lights to save on energy costs. Sometimes increased lights, especially ones that suddenly turn on, are enough to spook a vandal into running away. A well-placed set of lights also helps any witnessing neighbor to identify the vandal.

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      Allow the pet dog to sleep in the area around the fixtures. This works if the pot lights sit in the back yard or a fenced front yard. The dog, if large enough, will scare the vandals away by threatening them and stirring up noise and attention to the scene. Make sure to post a sign notifying any passersby of the dog like "Beware of Dog" or something similar. In the case that the dog injures any vandal (or a non-vandal visitor) without warning, they may sue for damages in some jurisdictions. It may be wise to put the dog on a leash away from the pathway to the front door, but still in range of the outdoor pot light fixtures. It will prevent the dog from injuring the vandal off your property, which would put the responsibility of injury with the dog owner, not the trespasser. Check for local dog-bite laws with the city hall or county judge office. Each area has different laws concerning dog-to-human injuries.

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      Increase neighborhood awareness. Report any suspicious activity to the neighbors and ask them to keep watch on your yard. Aware neighbors can now protect their yard decorations from the same vandal. More eyes on guard will more likely catch the person or group who has been damaging the pot light fixtures. Consider starting a Neighborhood Watch program, depending on how severe the vandal problem seems to be from talking to the neighbors.

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      Report to the police, with a non-emergency phone line, every instance of vandalism and each witnessing of suspicious activity in the neighborhood. Police patrols if seen by the vandal may decrease the visits. Personally document each instance of property damage with photos and dates. Also,each bit of evidence will help build a civil case against the vandal if caught, to force them to pay for damages to the outdoor pot light fixtures.