Home Garden

How do I Attach a Strobe to an Existing Doorbell?

In a home where hearing impairment or extraneous sound can interfere with hearing a doorbell, the addition of a low-voltage strobe light can resolve the problem by adding a visual notification that there is a caller at the door. Many doorbell manufacturers include a strobe-lighted model in their product lines, and these types of doorbell units are available at most hardware and home improvement centers. Installing a low-voltage strobe light on an existing system is also an option, and easily completed using the existing chime unit wiring.

Things You'll Need

  • Stepladder
  • Tape measure
  • Pencil or awl
  • Electric drill and bit
  • Screwdriver
  • Wall-mounted, low-voltage strobing light fixture
  • Plastic wall anchors
  • Flathead wood screws
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    • 1

      Turn off the electrical power to the doorbell location at the main power panel. Test that power to the doorbell's low-voltage circuit is off by pressing the doorbell to insure it does not work.

    • 2

      Access the doorbell chime assembly, typically mounted on the wall in the entry area of the house, and remove the cover.

    • 3

      Mark the top center point on the doorbell chime cover, then position the strobe light fixture against the wall, approximately 1 inch above the chime cover and aligned with the center point, then mark the mounting hole locations on the wall surface using a pencil or awl. Set the fixture aside once the mounting holes are marked.

    • 4

      Drill a hole in the wallboard at each mounting hole location marked in Step 3, using the drill bit size recommended for the wall anchor being used, then insert one anchor in each hole drilled.

    • 5

      Position the low-voltage strobe light fixture over the mounting anchors installed in Step 4 and attach the fixture with the screws provided, or with flathead wood screws.

    • 6

      Separate the two wire leads from the light fixture and strip approximately 1/2 inch of insulation on the end of both wires.

    • 7

      Loosen the two screws on the doorbell chime assembly that have wires connected to them approximately two turns counterclockwise using a screwdriver.

    • 8

      Wrap in the end of the light fixture's white lead wire clockwise around the chime screw that holds the white circuit wire, and tighten the screw until snug.

    • 9

      Repeat Step 8 for the light fixture's black lead wire, then fold both lead wires back against the wall surface so as not to obstruct the chime cover.

    • 10

      Replace the doorbell chime cover removed in Step 2 and restore power to the doorbell circuit at the main power panel.