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How to Program a DSC 1550 Alarm

The primary purpose of the DSC 1550 alarm system is to protect your house from intruders by emitting a loud noise and notifying security if your armed perimeter is breached. Upon setting up your device, you may have a few questions about how to program some basic functions. Following a few simple steps will have you programming your device quickly and efficiently. You can change your current master code to a new master code of your choosing, program additional security codes into the system, remove codes, and select zones to bypass.


    • 1

      Change your current master code to a new master code by first pushing the "*" key -- ocated fourth button down all the way to the left -- the "5" key -- located second button down and second from the right -- and then the current master code, which you selected upon setup.

      Push the "1" button -- located in the upper far left corner of the alarm panel.

      Choose a new master code. Enter the code when prompted. It will be comprised of four digits, and then write the number down in the user manual, so you'll have a record of it.

      Push the "#" key -- located fourth button down from the top to the far right -- to bring your alarm back to "Ready" mode.

    • 2

      Program additional security codes into your 1550 by first entering the master code.

      Push the "*" key, the "5" key, and enter in your master code.

      Press the code list number you would like to memorize your code to. Choose 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6. Number 1 belongs your master code list number.

      Enter your additional code number when prompted. Old codes in place of the list number specified will be erased and replaced by the new code number entered. Write down your additional code numbers in the user manual, so as not to forget them.

    • 3

      Remove additional codes that you don't use anymore or would like to get rid of.

      Push the "*" key, the "5" key, the master code, the list code number -- 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 -- to specify the code number rank, and then "****" to cancel out the code.

      Push the "#" key to return to the alarm's ready menu.

    • 4

      Program a "Bypass Zone" into the alarm in order to allow passage and movement through one part of the alarmed area while the rest of the alarmed sector is armed.

      Push the "*" key, the "1" key, and then the number of the zone you wish to disarm. There are up to six zone numbers programmed, so enter zones 1 through 6. Each zone was specified upon programming.

      A light will illuminate next to the zone you disarmed.