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Security System Control Instructions

While multiple security companies sell security systems on the market, most of those systems work in similar fashion to each other. Regardless of how intricate your specific system is, it will normally consist of a main control panel and possibly several secondary ones located throughout the house that can activate and deactivate the system with the pressing of a few buttons. Controlling a security system is therefore something that nearly anyone in the household can do.


    • 1

      Close all the doors and windows around your house. Most security systems rely on magnetic sensors to tell if a door or window is breached and the system won't activate properly until all the sensors are registering closed.

    • 2

      Locate the control panel for your security system. Some systems will have multiple panels, usually with one per floor of the house.

    • 3

      Press the "On" or "Arm" button on the control panel to activate the system.

    • 4

      Push the buttons for police, fire or medical assistance if you require any of those services. Many systems have a one-touch buttons for each that will immediately place a call to the appropriate service so you can provide details about what your emergency is.

    • 5

      Enter your security code to deactivate the system. A code will be given to you when the system is first installed and you should remember it without writing it down. You'll need to contact your security company if you wish to change your code. If the alarm is going off, push "Cancel" and then enter the code.