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Do it Yourself Quality Residential Security Systems

Home security systems are useful to keep out intruders and to provide peace of mind to homeowners when they are not home. Professional monitoring companies offer a wide variety of security systems, but their installation and monitoring fees may be out of your price range. You can purchase a do-it-yourself residential security system and install it for a less expensive solution and a similar level of protection.

Things You'll Need

  • Drill
  • Small screwdriver
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      Count the number of doors and windows in your home. You'll need a sensor for each door or window. To save money, you could install sensors on only the lower level of the house, but it is better overall to include every entrance to the building.

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      Purchase a home security system that has the number of sensors you need. Some do-it-yourself systems come standard in a box for you to hook up yourself, but you can order additional sensors and supplies as needed. Ideally, the equipment should be from the same supplier to avoid compatibility issues. Use wireless systems and equipment because they are much simpler to install and maintain yourself.

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      Install the security system's control panel near the main door of your home so you can get to it quickly when entering the home. It should be out of sight from windows. The control panel has a power cable that needs to be plugged into an electrical outlet that is not controlled by a light switch. Drill a hole into the wall where the control panel will go, and run the wire through the wall. Drill a second hole under the electrical outlet, and then pull the wire out and plug it in so that the wire is mostly hidden in the wall.

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      Attach a siren to your wall in the same way you installed the control panel. Drill a hole in the wall, run the power through the wall, and drill another hole near another electrical outlet to hook it up. A small screwdriver is usually used to program the switches in the siren to set the house code. Check your security system's instructions to verify its specific procedure.

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      Follow the security system's instruction sheet for details about how to program the control panel. The instruction sheet should have been included with the system. The programming procedure depends on the particular security system.

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      Connect the sensors on your doors and windows. Each one will include a magnet that sticks to the door or window and a transmitter that sticks to the edge of the frame so it aligns with the magnet. The sensors transmit a signal to the control panel if they are breached, and the panel then activates the alarm from the siren.

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      Test your security system once you have it set up to verify it works.