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How Does a Home Security System Help Deter Burglars?

Security systems are useful for not only protecting your home and valuables but also for providing confidence when you're away from the house that your home will be safe. Most systems rely on sensors to alert the control panel when a door or window is breached. The panel will then trigger the alarm and possibly notify the authorities. Security systems work in multiple ways to deter potential burglars from entering your property.
  1. Difficulty of Entry

    • Burglars are always on the lookout for an easy target. Unlocked doors, open windows and unsecured sliding glass are what most burglars are looking for so they can get in and out as quickly and easily as possible. All else being equal, a burglar will be more attracted to a home without an alarm system than a similar house with no alarm. Even a thief who knows how to circumvent a security system will be unlikely to do so because it takes a lot more time than entering a home without a system in place. The longer the burglar is at the house, the greater the odds of getting caught.

    Police Response

    • Many alarm systems are monitored by a professional alarm company. These companies also program the system so that the police are automatically notified when an alarm is activated. This greatly decreases the response time for emergency services, meaning police will arrive at the residence shortly after alarm activation. Burglars want to get in and out of the house without being noticed. An alarm that can automatically call law enforcement interferes with that goal so most burglars will look elsewhere for targets.

    Neighbor Alert

    • A siren can also alert neighbors that a house is being burglarized. A blaring alarm draws a lot of unwanted attention to the burglar, who now needs to facilitate an escape as quickly as possible to avoid capture. Some burglars will try to hit multiple homes in the same neighborhood during a spree. An alarm eliminates that possibility and will force the burglar to abandon further looting in the area, at least in the short term.

    Planning Difficulty

    • Many security systems include security lighting outside of the home. This usually incorporates motion-activated lights that turn on when someone approaches the house. Some lights are also time-activated to turn on when the sun goes down. This makes it harder for burglars to determine if the house is empty and unguarded. The lighting turning on and off also makes it difficult for criminals to case the house because they can't get close enough to look inside without drawing attention to themselves.