Home Garden

The Best Placements for a Carbon Monoxide Alarm

Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless gas that kills an average of 170 Americans a year, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. The gas is found in great quantities in areas where heating fuels are not burned thoroughly, such as in unclean chimneys or flues. All homeowners should install carbon monoxide detectors, no matter what method of heating is used in the home.
  1. Sleeping Areas

    • Place carbon monoxide detectors in an outlet in sleeping areas. One alarm per sleeping area is sufficient, whether the alarm is placed inside the bedroom or in the hallway near the door. If the sleeping areas are in separate parts of the house, place carbon monoxide detectors in each one.


    • The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission recommends carbon monoxide detectors to be plugged in to any working outlet, regardless the height. If the detector is battery operated, the detector can be placed high on the wall. Carbon monoxide is heavy, so you may feel more comfortable with detectors near the floor, but placement on the wall depends on your preference.

    Separate Floors

    • Every floor of a home should have a carbon monoxide detector. If a home has a basement and an attic, these floors should have detectors as well. Homeowners often fail to consider storage spaces as potential hiding places for gases. Because heating elements are often in the basement or have working sections in basements and attics, remember these areas as possible carbon monoxide hot spots.

    Places to Avoid

    • Do not place the detector too close to a heating source. Do not place them too close to a chimney or a wood-burning appliance. Place the detector away from chemicals or kitchen stoves. Avoid heat sources when installing a carbon monoxide detector.