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Instructions for a Safe House Alarm System

More than 2 million burglaries were reported in the United States in 2009, according to the FBI, which is a 7 percent increase in burglaries since 2000. Intrusion alarms, such as the Safe House system, are widely used to deter and capture burglars. The system protects a 30-by-20-foot area, and emits a piercing, long-range alarm tone when an intruder enters the area. A backup battery guarantees protection in the event of a power failure.


    • 1

      Turn the alarm switch to "Off" and confirm that the remote switch, internal alarm and entry delay plates are in place.

    • 2

      Plug the alarm's AC adapter into a standard wall plug, and insert the standby battery into the unit.

    • 3

      Test your alarm by setting the alarm switch to "Test" and walking through the area. If the "Test LED" light stays on while you are in the area the alarm is in working order.

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      Set the alarm switch to "Arm" to arm the system. The system will be activated in 20 seconds. The alarm will sound about 15 seconds after the area is entered. This gives you time to disarm the system when you return to the area.

    • 5

      Set the alarm switch to "Off" to disarm the system.