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Instructions for Repairing a Simon Alarm

A Simon Alarm is a security system that detects carbon monoxide, fire and intrusion. Repair your device by starting a sensor test to check for a sensor failure, tripping the sensors and performing a phone test to make sure the communication between the security system, your pager and the central monitoring station is working.


    • 1

      Test the sensors by pressing the "System Status" button and listening for which sensors failed. Open the panel cover and use the buttons to enter the master access code. Push the "Test" button once, wait for the panel to announce "Sensor test" and push the "Done" button. The panel voice prompts you with a list of the programmed sensors that need testing.

    • 2

      Trip the sensors from the list and if the sensor communicates successfully it is removed from the list. Press "Done" when all the sensors have been tested and "Sensor test complete" is announced. Press "Cancel" or "Done" if you want to terminate a test. Call your security dealer if a sensor test fails.

    • 3

      Perform a phone test by opening the panel cover and entering the master access code. Push the "Test" button twice, hear the phone test announcement and push "Done." The panel announces "Phone test OK" within three minutes if the test is successful. The "System Status" button lights and the panel announces "Phone communication failure" within 10 minutes if the phone test fails. Call your security system dealer if the test fails.