Home Garden

What Makes Keypad Alarms Fail?

Home alarm systems offer a homeowner peace of mind in regard to the safety of his family and belongings. The keypad is used constantly before entering and exiting the home, and it will inevitably begin to fail.
  1. Function

    • Keypad alarms are comprised of a display and numerical button configuration. They are used to enter pass codes to shut off or turn on a home alarm system. Sleek in design, they are not much more than a plastic-enclosed printed circuit board, or PCB.


    • Failures can occur for a number of reasons. If the home's electrical power is out, the backup battery within the keypad should continue its normal operation. But if the backup battery is low or completely dead, the keypad will fail. It is also good practice to check the circuit breaker supplying the alarm to verify that it has not tripped.


    • If the keypad is attached to a telephone line for communication with the alarm company, the keypad can fail if the line is disconnected. Additionally, like any electronic, it is possible for the keypad's PCB to fail, necessitating an entirely new keypad alarm.